Use a Split Account

Using a Split Account involves a series of steps to efficiently manage funds and transactions between your platform and its partners.

Here’s how to use it:

  • Onboard a New Profile to Your Platform: Start by adding a new partner profile to your platform.
  • Create a New Wallet Linked to the Partner Profile: Set up a dedicated wallet for the new partner within the Split Account system.
  • Receive Funds into Your Platform Wallet: All incoming funds from transactions are initially deposited into your platform's default wallet.
  • Split the Funds Between the Platform Wallet and the Partner's Wallet: Use the predefined rules to automatically divide the funds between the platform wallet and the partner's wallet.
  • Make Payouts from the Partner's Wallet to Their Bank Accounts: Disburse the funds from the partner's wallet to their respective bank accounts as scheduled.
  • Take Your Platform/Marketplace Commission to Your Operational IBAN Account: Transfer your platform's commission from the default wallet to your operational IBAN account.