Get a wallet/Get all wallets

(NOTE This is the same object for "get by ID", and the item that makes up "getAll" elements)

    "id  ": " WALLET-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f  ",
    "payee_compliance_profile_id: 43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f  ",
    "default_wallet_id  ": " 43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f  ",
    "payee_details  ": " {  "  ",
    "  id  ": " 43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f  ",
    "  name  ": " Example Company Ltd.  ",
    "  account_number  ": " 01234567  ",
    "  sort_code  ": " 112233    
    " },  ",
    "default_payment_reference  ": " Def_ref_123  ",
    "external_id  ": " My reference here  ",
    "status  ": " SUCCESSFUL  ",
    "balances  ": " {  ",
    "  current  ": " {  ",
    "    currency  ": " GBP  ",
    "    amount  ": " 100  ",
    "  },  ",
    "  available  ": " {  ",
    "    currency  ": " GBP  ",
    "    amount:100  ",
    "  }


  • id = the wallet ID

    Please note

    For "get all wallets", a summary of the wallet is sent, balances will not be sent on Get All calls . This information is:

    "id  ": " WALLET-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f
    "payee_compliance_profile_id  ": " 43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f
    "default_wallet_id  ": " 43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f
    "payee_details  ": " {
    "  id  ": " 43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f   
    "default_payment_reference  ": " Def_ref_123
    "external_id  ": " My reference here    

The getAll endpoint is designed for a "quick sync" of data rather than all the deep information held in the system.
For specific information (e.g. balance/status etc..) please use the get wallet by id option

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!