Triggering a payment/transfer of a wallet

The request to create a trigger a payment/transfer is as below:

Transfer (Master -> Specific wallet)

    "source_wallet_id": default_wallet_id we have provided,
    "target_wallet_id": The wallet to send the transfer too,
    "requested_amount": {
      "amount": amount in pence (e.g. 1000 = £10)
      "currency": GBP must be GBP
    "type": TRANSFER
    "external_id": Unique ID from you,

Reversal (Wallet to Master)

{    "source_wallet_id: The wallet to send the reversal from,
    "target_wallet_id: default_wallet_id we have provided,
    "requested_amount: {
       "amount: amount in pence (e.g. 1000 = £10)
       "currency: GBP must be GBP
    "type: REVERSAL
    "external_id": Unique ID from you,

Payout (Master or wallet)

    "source_wallet_id": The wallet to send the payment from,
    "requested_amount": {
      "amount": amount in pence (e.g. 1000 = £10)
       "currency": GBP must be GBP
    "type: PAYOUT"
    "external_id": Unique ID from you,


  • For PAYOUT (Master and Wallet)-> the transfer wallet id is not required
  • For TRANSFER (Master -> Wallet only)-> both wallets must be supplied
    • source_wallet_id = the default_wallet
    • target_wallet_id = the wallet to send the money to
  • For REVERSAL (Wallet -> Master only)-> both wallets must be supplied
    • source_wallet_id = the wallet to send the money from
    • target_wallet_id = the default_wallet

And assuming successful the response is the same as "Get payment by ID" (see below)

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!