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The Android SDK from Fondy Gateway allows you to integrate Google Pay into your Android applications, enabling seamless payment processing for users. This SDK simplifies the implementation of Google Pay, offering a reliable solution to accept payments directly within your app.


Before you begin, make sure your environment meets the following requirements:

  • Android Studio or any compatible IDE for Android development.
  • Google Play Services 17.0.0 or greater.
  • Android API level 19 or greater.
  • A Merchant ID from the Fondy Merchant Portal.


To install the Fondy Gateway SDK in your Android project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the required dependencies in your app/build.gradle file.
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'com.cloudipsp:android:+'
Version Requirement

Ensure that you are using at least Google Play Services 17.0.0.

  1. Sync your project to download and configure the dependencies. Optionally, refer to the SDK in the central Maven repository.
Latest SDK Version

The SDK's latest version is always available on the public repository.

How to Use the SDK

To integrate the SDK into your Android application, follow these steps:

  1. To set up your application, add the necessary permissions and metadata to your AndroidManifest.xml file:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
android:value="true" />
Setup Prerequisites

Make sure Google Play Services is correctly set up for your app, and your Merchant ID from the Fondy Merchant Portal is ready.

  1. Initialize the SDK, creating an instance of Cloudipsp using your Merchant ID. Replace <your merchant_id> with your actual Merchant ID. The webView parameter can be used to display a web-based payment form.
cloudipsp = new Cloudipsp(<your merchant_id>, webView);
  1. To implement Google Pay functionality in your app, follow the instructions from the demo directory in the GitHub repository for sample code and detailed guidance on adding a card form to your application.

Usage Examples

The Fondy Gateway Android SDK includes a demo application that demonstrates how to integrate payment processing with both credit card and Google Pay options in your Android app. Below are the key components of the demo, along with a breakdown of each activity's role in the payment process.

Demo Application Structure

The demo includes examples illustrating how to use the SDK for different payment methods. The following files are available:

BaseExampleActivity.javaHandles the initialization and payment logic for both Google Pay and credit card payments. The BaseExampleActivity manages the UI elements, such as fields for entering payment details (amount, email, description), and provides buttons to initiate the payment flow.
FlexibleExampleActivity.javaProvides an example of how to integrate a flexible card input form using the CardInputLayout. It includes editable fields for card number, expiration date, and CVV, which can be used for manual card entry.
SimpleExampleActivity.javaDemonstrates a simpler card input form using CardInputView, which is ideal for users who need a straightforward card payment form.
GPay.javaDemonstrates how to integrate Google Pay into your Android app. It shows how to initialize Google Pay, handle the payment process, and process results through callbacks.
MainActivity.javaThe provides a simple interface to navigate the demo's different examples. It includes buttons that allow users to choose between a simple card example and a flexible card example.

Payment Flow Details

The following sections describe the existing examples and the flow of each example.


The BaseExampleActivity provides an example of a credit card payment. The following steps describe the flow:

  1. The user enters their payment details (amount, email, description).
  2. The app creates an Order object containing the transaction details.
  3. The user clicks the "Pay with Card" button, triggering the processPayCard() method.
  4. The app invokes, which processes the payment using the card details.
  5. The app receives a payment callback and displays the result (either success or failure) via onPaidProcessed() or onPaidFailure().

The GPay example provides an example of adding Google Pay to an application. The following steps describe the flow

  1. The app checks if Google Pay is supported on the device.
  2. If supported, the user clicks the "Pay with Google Pay" button, triggering the processGooglePay() method.
  3. The app creates an Order object and initializes Google Pay using cloudipsp.googlePayInitialize().
  4. Google Pay launches and the user completes the transaction.
  5. The app processes the result in onActivityResult(), handling both success and failure scenarios.