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The Fondy Gateway C# SDK enables developers to easily integrate Fondy's payment services into their C# applications. It allows users to create payments, retrieve transaction details, and manage payment workflows securely and efficiently.


Before using the SDK, ensure your environment meets the following prerequisites:

  • .NET Compatibility: The SDK is compatible with projects supporting .NET Standard.
  • Dependency: Newtonsoft.Json (JSON.NET)

To install the required dependency, run the following command:

dotnet add package Newtonsoft.Json --version 13.0.3


Install the Fondy Gateway C# SDK from NuGet using the following command:

dotnet add package CloudIpspSDK --version 1.0.5

How to Use the SDK

Start by adding CloudIpspSDK to your project. Depending on the operation you need to perform, you may need to add additional classes to the project. For example, to create a checkout, you need to add CloudIpspSDK.Checkout from CloudIpspSDK. For this example, the Checkout class will be used to generate a payment. Set up the merchant credentials in your application:

using CloudIpspSDK;
using CloudIpspSDK.Checkout;

After, initialize the merchant configuration:

Config.MerchantId = 1396424; // Replace with your Merchant ID
Config.SecretKey = "test"; // Replace with your Secret Key

Define the necessary details for the operation. In this case, the payment details such as order_id, amount, and currency, then retrieve the checkout URL:

var req = new CheckoutRequest {
order_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), // Generate a unique order ID
amount = 100000, // Amount in minor units (e.g., 100000 = €1000.00)
order_desc = "Test payment", // Description of the order
currency = "EUR" // Transaction currency
var resp = new Url().Post(req);

// Handle the response and retrieve the checkout URL
if (resp.Error == null) {
string url = resp.checkout_url;
Console.WriteLine($"Redirect the customer to: {url}");
} else {
Console.WriteLine($"Error: {resp.Error.message}");

You will receive a checkout_url which you can use to redirect your customer. After your customer finishes providing the payment method and the payment is processed, you will receive a callbacks with the payment information.

Usage Examples

In addition to integrating the SDK into your project, you can also run the examples provided in the GitHub repository. These examples help you understand how to use the features of the C# SDK.

To run the examples, you have to execute the following steps:

  1. Set up an IIS server. The examples require an IIS server to simulate the interaction with Fondy Gateway.

  2. Clone the GitHub repository containing the SDK and example files.

    git clone
  3. Inside the cloned repository, navigate to the CloudIpspSamples directory. This folder contains all example files, including the necessary index.html.

  4. Build and configure the IIS server to serve the files in the CloudIpspSamples directory. Ensure the IIS server is set up to handle requests from the examples correctly.

  5. To run the examples, open the index.html file in a browser, which will provide interactive examples of how to use the SDK.