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Response Codes

This section provides a list of response codes returned by the Fondy Gateway API, their possible reasons, and where merchants or customers should address the issue.

Response Code Table

1000General declineThe cause of the error is unknown, detailed analysis is needed. Contact support.Fondy
1002Application errorUnknown cause, requires further analysis. Contact support.Fondy
1003Invalid CVV2 codeIncorrect CVV2 code. In some cases, an incorrect card expiration date may also cause this error.Issuing bank
1004Do not honorThe card is blocked, restricted, or closed for online payments.Issuing bank
1005Invalid formatIncorrect data format. A common reason is an amount that is too small.Issuing bank
1006Merchant is not configured correctlyMerchant settings on Fondy's side are incorrect.Fondy
1007Parameter {param_name} is incorrectOne or more request parameters have an incorrect format, size, or invalid value.Merchant
1009Parameter {param_name} is emptyOne or more required parameters are empty.Merchant
1010Request is emptyThe submitted request contains no data.Merchant
1011Parameter {param_name} is missingOne or more required parameters were not sent.Merchant
1012Currency {currency} is not available for this merchant {merchant_id}The merchant is using a currency that is not supported or configured for their account.Merchant
1013Duplicate order {order_id} for merchant {merchant_id}The order_id is not unique for this merchant.Merchant
1014Invalid signatureThe request signature generated by the merchant is incorrect.Merchant
1015Invalid card numberThe card number entered is incorrect.Issuing bank
1016Merchant {merchant_id} not foundThe merchant is not registered.Fondy
1017No available payment systemsThe merchant is not permitted to use any of the payment methods included in the request.Fondy
1018Order {order_id} not foundThe requested order does not exist (e.g., during order status retrieval or reversal).Fondy
1019Order {order_id} already has been completedAn attempt was made to pay for an expired or already completed order.Merchant
1021Unsupported Content-Type {content_type}The request included an unsupported Content-Type header.Merchant
1023Invalid amountThe transaction amount is incorrect.Merchant
10243DSecure authentication failedThe 3DSecure authentication password validation failed.Issuing bank
1025Invalid card expiry dateThe expiration date entered is incorrect.Issuing bank
1026Only redirect method allowedThe protocol used by the merchant is not allowed.Merchant
1027Preauth not allowedPreauthorization is not available for this merchant.Fondy
1028Custom design not foundThe specified custom checkout design was not found.Merchant
1034Please do not use symbol {separator} in parametersThe request contains an invalid separator character.Merchant
1035Token not foundThe client card token is invalid or expired.Merchant
1036Invoice is paidThe invoice has already been paid.Merchant
1037Decline, not sufficient fundsThe cardholder has insufficient funds to complete the transaction.Merchant
1040Transaction amount exceeds card internet limitThe transaction exceeds the allowed internet spending limit for the card.Merchant
1041Card is in blacklistThe card is on a restricted list and cannot be used for transactions.Fondy
1042Stolen cardThe card has been reported stolen.Merchant
1043Restricted cardThe card is restricted and cannot be used.Merchant
1044Lost cardThe card has been reported lost.Merchant
1045Card is blocked by acquirer bankThe acquiring bank has blocked this card.Fondy
1046Request contains non UTF-8 symbolsThe request includes characters that are not UTF-8 encoded.Merchant
1049Unknown payment system errorAn unknown error occurred with the payment system.Fondy
1051Declined by antifraudThe transaction was declined due to antifraud measures.Fondy
1081Insufficient funds on balance (P2P credit)The sender has insufficient funds for a P2P transfer.Fondy
1087Terminal closed by acquiring bankThe acquiring bank has blocked the merchant's terminal.Fondy
1090P2P card credit not allowed for this countryP2P transactions are not permitted for the selected country.Fondy
1100Operation not allowedThe requested API operation is not permitted for the merchant. Contact Fondy support.Fondy
1106Split error. Split payments not allowed for merchant.The merchant is not authorized to use split payments.Merchant
1111Your card is not supported. Please use another card.The card type used is not supported for this transaction.Fondy
1120Splitting amount does not correspond to purchase or capture amountThe split payment amount does not match the original purchase or capture.Fondy
1125Maestro cards are not allowedMaestro cards are restricted for this transaction.Fondy

For any issues that require further clarification, merchants should contact their issuing bank or Fondy support.