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Create Reports

Fondy's reporting feature allows merchants to generate customized reports tailored to their specific business needs. These reports enable merchants to analyze transactions, settlements, and chargebacks, providing valuable insights into their operations. Using Fondy's reporting API, merchants can filter data to retrieve only the most relevant information, making decision-making faster and more efficient.

How to Generate Reports

Generating a report involves two primary steps:

  1. Get an Access Token: To ensure secure access, you must first request an access token. This token is required for authentication and must be included in subsequent API requests.

  2. Request the Report: After obtaining the token, use it to request a specific report. The request must include the token in the Authorization HTTP header, along with required parameters such as report_id, merchant_id, and filters for data customization.

Get an Access Token

Follow these steps to obtain an access token for Fondy's Reports API:

  1. Create the signature using your company's Private Key, application_id, and the date string. For more information on how to generate the signature, access the Signatures page. Below, you find an example of how to generate the signaturein Python.

    from datetime import datetime
    import hashlib

    private_key = "your_private_key"
    application_id = "your_application_id"
    date = str(

    signature = hashlib.sha512(f"{private_key}|{application_id}|{date}".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
  2. Send a request to the Generate Access Token endpoint, informing the application_id, date, and signature.

  3. If the request is successful, the response will include the token and its expiration time:

    "request_id": "SuVhZRMS7JDD2iGS",
    "token": "Yq0GXWeOZ1m8BsiCa4iQPDB84Wjw346",
    "expires_in": 3602

    Use this tokenwhen requesting the report.

Token Expiration

Tokens expire after one hour. Repeat this process to obtain a new token when necessary.

Request the Report

Follow these steps to request a report from Fondy's API:

  1. Choose the report type (report_id) for the report you need. Check all options on the List of Available Reports.

  2. Gather the following parameters to include in the request:

    • merchant_id: Your unique merchant ID.

    • report_id: The ID of the desired report.

    • Filters: JSON objects for filtering data (optional but recommended).

    • Pagination:

      • on_page: Number of records per page (10–500 recommended).
      • page: Page number to fetch.
  3. Send a request to Retrieve Report Data. Below, you find an example of a request:

    curl '' \
    -H "Authorization: Token your_access_token" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X POST --data-binary @- <<EOF
    "on_page": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "filters": [
    { "s": "settlement_date", "m": "from", "v": "2024-01-01" },
    { "s": "settlement_date", "m": "to", "v": "2024-01-31" }
    "merchant_id": 123456,
    "report_id": "403"
  4. If the request is successful, the response will include the report data and metadata, as presented in the following code block:

    "data": [
    [1234567890, "2024-01-01", "approved", 500.00, "USD", ...],
    [1234567891, "2024-01-02", "completed", 1000.00, "USD", ...]
    "fields": ["payment_id", "order_time", "order_status", "actual_amount", "currency"],
    "rows_count": 2,
    "rows_on_page": 2,
    "rows_page": 1

The response will have the following elements:

  • data: The report's dataset.
  • fields: Column headers describing the data fields.
  • rows_count: Total records in the report.
  • rows_on_page: Number of records returned in this request.
  • rows_page: Page number of the current data.

If the report contains more records than the on_page limit, increase the page parameter to fetch subsequent data. Example:

"on_page": 10,
"page": 2,

Using Filters

Filters are a powerful feature that helps narrow down data for more specific results. Filters are defined as JSON objects and include the following attributes:

  • s (field): The name of the field to filter.
  • m (mode): The operand or condition for filtering (e.g., =, >, <, like).
  • v (value): The value for filtering.

Example filter:

"s": "settlement_date",
"m": "dateis",
"v": "2024-11-20"

Below, you find the complete list of operands by filter type you can use to filter the results to generate a report.

  • Float (decimal): =, >, <, !=, isnull, notnull, between .

  • Integer (int): =, >, <, !=, any, isnull, notnull, between .

  • Date (date): dateis, from, to, isnull, notnull, notdate, daterange, between .

  • Text (string): =, !=, like, !like, start, empty, any, notnull, contains, !contains .

  • Boolean (bool): istrue, isfalse .

  • Select (enum): =, !=, any, none .

  • Array (array): in_array, not_in_array, contains_all .

  • Daterange (daterange): daterange, notdaterange .

Advanced Filter Modes

Below, you find examples of how to use some of the operands to perform more advanced filtering operations:

  1. any: Matches any of the specified values.

    "s": "id",
    "m": "any",
    "v": "10,20,30"
  2. from: Matches values greater than or equal to the specified value.

    "s": "timestart",
    "m": "from",
    "v": "2024-01-01"
  3. to: Matches values less than the specified value.

    "s": "timestart",
    "m": "to",
    "v": "2024-01-01"

    dateis: Matches data from the start of the specified day (00:00) to the start of the next day (00:00, exclusive).

  4. { 
    "s": "settlement_date",
    "m": "dateis",
    "v": "2024-01-01"
  5. like:Matches values containing the specified substring.

    "s": "order_desc",
    "m": "like",
    "v": "Test"
  6. !like: Excludes values containing the specified substring.

    "s": "order_desc",
    "m": "!like",
    "v": "Test"
  7. start: Matches values starting with the specified substring.

    "s": "order_id",
    "m": "start",
    "v": "test-"
  8. between: Matches values within a specified range (inclusive).

    "s": "amount",
    "m": "between",
    "v": "100,500"
  9. contains: Matches arrays that contain the specified value.

    "s": "merchant_data",
    "m": "contains",
    "v": "key123"
  10. daterange: Matches values within a specified date range.

    "s": "tran_timestart",
    "m": "daterange",
    "v": "2024-01-01,2024-01-31"
  11. isnull / notnull: Matches null or non-null values.

    "s": "fee",
    "m": "isnull"
  12. notdate: Excludes the specified date range.

    "s": "tran_time",
    "m": "notdate",
    "v": "2024-01-01,2024-01-10"
  13. in_array: Matches values present in an array.

    "s": "payment_id",
    "m": "in_array",
    "v": "[1,2,3]"
  14. not_in_array: Matches values not present in an array.

    "s": "payment_id",
    "m": "not_in_array",
    "v": "[1,2,3]"
  15. contains_all: Ensures an array contains all specified values.

    "s": "tags",
    "m": "contains_all",
    "v": "[tag1,tag2]"

Multiple filters can be combined in a single request, and all conditions must be met unless specified otherwise. For example, you can use fromand to to filter data between two dates:

{ "s": "settlement_date", "m": "from", "v": "2024-01-01" },
{ "s": "settlement_date", "m": "to", "v": "2024-01-31" }

List of Available Reports

Below is a summary of available reports and their details.

Report IDFieldsMandatory filter fieldsExample
666merchant_order_id - string(1000)payment_id - integer(12)authorization_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)operation_type - string(1000)odbref - string(1000)amount - decimal(19,2)order_description - string(1000)currency - string(3)fee_currency - string(3)transaction_rate - decimal(19,6)settlement_rate - decimal(19,6)fee_rate - decimal(19,6)gross - decimal(19,2)commission - decimal(19,2)batch_number - integer(12)settlement_amount - decimal(19,2)url - string(1000)settlement_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)rolling_reserve_amount - decimal(19,2)rolling_reserve_currency - string(3)rolling_reserve_settlement_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)deposit_setllement_amount - decimal(19,2)settlement_currency - string(3)merchant_data - string(1000)settlement_date OR authorization_date OR payment_idSettlements report EU
403payment_id - integer(12)order_time - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)order_status - string(1000)actual_amount - decimal(19,2)currency - string(3)fee - decimal(19,2)order_id - string(1000)settlement_amount - decimal(19,2)settlement_currency - string(3)settlement_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)settlement_status - string(1000)odb_ref - string(1000)tran_time - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)settlement_type - string(1000)payment_system - string(1000)sender_email - string(1000)order_desc - string(1000)merchant_data - string(1000)settlement_desc - string(1000)transaction_id - integer(12)settlement_date OR tran_time OR payment_idSettlements report non-EU
500chargeback_createtime - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)tran_id - integer(12)sender_email - string(1000)status - string(1000)tran_timestart - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)tran_timeend - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)tran_type - string(1000)protocol - string(1000)currency - string(3)amount - decimal(19,2)payout_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)payout_amoun - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)tran_id OR chargeback_createtimeChargebacks report
528tran_id - integer(12)parent_tran_id - integer(12)sender_email - string(1000)status - string(1000)tran_timestart - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)tran_timeend - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)tran_type - string(1000)currency - string(3)actual_amount - decimal(19,2)payout_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)payout_amoun - decimal(19,2)order_desc - string(1000)checkout_url - string(1000)tran_id OR tran_timestartSuccess transactions report
745payment_id - integer(12)order_timestart - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)order_timeend - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)order_status - string(1000)amount - decimal(19,2)actual_amount - decimal(19,2)currency - string(3)actual_currency - string(3)order_type - string(1000)approval_code - string(6)card_bin - string(6)eci - string(2)fee - decimal(19,2)masked_card - string(19)order_id - string(1000)payment_system - string(1000)response_code - integer(4)response_description - string(1000)reversal_amount - decimal(19,2)rrn - string(1000)sender_email - string(1000)settlement_amount - decimal(19,2)settlement_currency - string(3)settlement_date - datetime(YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)merchant_data - string(1000)order_desc - string(1000)order_timestart OR order_timeend OR payment_id OR order_idAll transactions report