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Get Wallets in Split Account

By calling this operation, you can get a list of all wallets under a Split Account or focus on retrieving details of a specific wallet by its unique ID. This provides valuable information such as the wallet's unique identifier, compliance profile, balance details, and current status, making it easier for you to integrate wallet management into your existing system and track payments effectively.

This page will guide you through the process of using these operations:

Encrypted Requests

All requests into the Fondy API are performed using the Encrypted Endpoint, where the request and response of the operation are encrypted. See How to Integrate Fondy API to learn how to encrypt your operations and send them through the endpoint.

Retrieve All Wallets

To retrieve a list of all wallets under a split account, follow the steps below:

  1. Follow the steps in How to Integrate Fondy API to learn how to encrypt your request into the stack.

  2. Send the encrypted operation using Encrypted Endpoint. See an example in the code block below:

    "encrypted_payload": null,
    "encrypted_user": ENCRYPTED(<username>),
    "encrypted_url": ENCRYPTED("/splitaccount/{splitaccount_id}/wallet\"),
    "method": "GET"

    Change {splitaccount_id} with the actual ID of the split account to retrieve the wallets from.


A successful request will return the encrypted response, as in the code block below:

"encrypted_payload": ENCRYPTED(wallets)
"encrypted_url": null
"method": null

This response has to be decrypted using the process explained in How to Integrate Fondy API. Once you decrypt it, the unencrypted payload is as follows:

"id ": " WALLET-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f
"payee_compliance_profile_id ": " 43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f
"default_wallet_id ": " 43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f
"payee_details ": " {
" id ": " 43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f
"default_payment_reference ": " Def_ref_123
"external_id ": " My reference here

See the table below for a description of the parameters:

idUnique identifier for the wallet.
payee_compliance_profile_idIdentifier for the compliance profile associated with the payee.
default_wallet_idIdentifier of the default wallet linked to the payee for transactions.
payee_detailsA nested object containing detailed information about the payee.
default_payment_referenceDefault reference string included with payments made from this wallet.
external_idCustom reference provided by the user or system for external tracking or integration.

This operation retrieves a limited amount of data rather than all the deep information held in the system. For specific information, such as balance or status, use the Retrieve Specific Wallet operation explained in the next section.

Retrieve Specific Wallet

To retrieve information about a specific wallet under a split account, follow the steps below:

  1. Follow the steps in How to Integrate Fondy API to encrypt your request into the stack.
  2. Send the encrypted operation using Encrypted Endpoint. See an example in the code block below:
    "encrypted_payload": null,
    "encrypted_user": ENCRYPTED(<username>),
    "encrypted_url": ENCRYPTED("/splitaccount/{splitaccount_id}/wallet/{id}"),
    "method": "GET"
Path Parameters

In the encrypted_url:

  • Change {splitaccount_id} with the ID of the split account containing the wallet.
  • Change {id}with the ID of the wallet to retrieve.


A successful request will return the encrypted response, as in the code block below:

"encrypted_payload": ENCRYPTED(wallets)
"encrypted_url": null
"method": null

This response has to be decrypted using the process explained in How to Integrate Fondy API. Once you decrypt it, the unencrypted payload is as follows:

"additional_information": "Example123",
"balances": {
"current": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 4500
"default_wallet_id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"payee_identity_id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"payee_details": {
"name": "string",
"iban": "FR7630006000011234567890189",
"sort_code": "012345",
"bic": "string",
"account_number": "01234567",
"id": "string"
"payee_compliance_profile_id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"alias": "Example123",
"default_payment_reference": "Payment to X",
"external_id": "ExampleRefId_43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"created_date": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z",
"status": "ACTIVE"

See the table below for a description of the parameters:

idUnique identifier for the wallet.
payee_compliance_profile_idIdentifier for the compliance profile associated with the payee.
default_wallet_idIdentifier of the default wallet linked to the payee for transactions.
payee_detailsA nested object containing detailed information about the payee.
idUnique identifier for the payee within the system.
nameName of the payee, which may represent a company or an individual.
account_numberBank account number associated with the payee for payments.
sort_codeSort code for the payee's bank account, used for routing payments in some financial systems.
default_payment_referenceDefault reference string included with payments made from this wallet.
external_idCustom reference provided by the user or system for external tracking or integration.
statusThe wallet's current status indicates whether it is active or successful in its operations.
balancesA nested object showing the financial balances associated with the wallet.
currentRepresents the current balance available in the wallet.
currencyCurrency type of the current balance.
amountThe amount available as the current balance.
availableRepresents the amount available for spending or withdrawal from the wallet.
currencyCurrency type of the available balance.
amountThe amount available for spending or withdrawal.