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Get Transaction List of Wallet

This operation allows you to retrieve a list of all transactions associated with a specific wallet under a Split Account. By providing the wallet's ID, you can access detailed information on all the transactions in that wallet. It is particularly useful for scenarios where you need to track the transaction history of a specific wallet. For instance, if you manage multiple wallets under a single Split Account and need to audit or report on the wallet's transaction activity, this operation provides an easy way to pull all transaction records.

This page will guide you trough the process of using this operation.

Encrypted Requests

All requests into the stack are performed using the Encrypted Endpoint, where the request and response of the operation are encrypted. See How to Integrate Fondy API to learn how to encrypt your operations and send them through the endpoint.


To retrieve a list of all transactions associated with a specific wallet, follow the steps below:

  1. Follow the steps in How to Integrate Fondy API to encrypt your request into the stack.
  2. Send the encrypted operation using Encrypted Endpoint. See an example in the code block below:
    "encrypted_payload": null,
    "encrypted_user": ENCRYPTED(<username>),
    "encrypted_url": ENCRYPTED("/splitaccount/splitaccount/{splitaccount_id}/wallet/{id}/transactions"),
    "method": "GET"
Path Parameters

Change the following in the encrypted_url

  • Change {splitaccount_id} with the ID of the split account containing the wallet.
  • Change {id}with the ID of the wallet containing the transactions.


A successful request will return the encrypted response, as in the code block below:

"encrypted_payload": ENCRYPTED(transaactionsObject)
"encrypted_url": null
"method": null

This response has to be decrypted using the process explained in How to Integrate Fondy API. Once decrypted, the payload is as follows:

"record_created_date": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z",
"payment_scheme": "FASTERPAYMENTS",
"account_closing_balance": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 4500
"account_type": "string",
"booking_date": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z",
"transaction_amount": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 4500
"account_opening_balance": {
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": 4500
"debit_credit_code": "string",
"account_id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"payment_id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"counterparty": {
"name": "string",
"iban": "FR7630006000011234567890189",
"sort_code": "012345",
"bic": "string",
"account_number": "01234567",
"id": "string"
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"transaction_reference": "string",
"is_fee": true,
"value_date": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z"


record_created_dateDate and time when the transaction record was created (ISO 8601 format).
payment_schemeThe payment scheme used for the transaction (e.g., FASTERPAYMENTS).
account_closing_balanceThe balance in the account after the transaction.
currencyThe currency code of the account balance (e.g., GBP).
amountThe amount in the account at the time of closing the balance.
account_typeType of the account (string value).
booking_dateDate and time when the transaction was booked (ISO 8601 format).
transaction_amountThe amount of the transaction being processed.
currencyThe currency of the transaction amount (e.g., GBP).
amountThe transaction amount.
account_opening_balanceThe balance in the account before the transaction took place.
currencyThe currency code of the opening balance (e.g., GBP).
amountThe amount in the account at the time of opening the balance.
debit_credit_codeCode indicating whether the transaction is a debit or credit (string value).
account_idUnique identifier for the account associated with the transaction.
payment_idUnique identifier for the payment associated with the transaction.
counterpartyInformation about the counterparty involved in the transaction.
nameName of the counterparty.
ibanIBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the counterparty.
sort_codeSort code of the counterparty's bank account.
bicBIC (Bank Identifier Code) of the counterparty's bank.
account_numberAccount number of the counterparty.
idUnique identifier for the counterparty.
idUnique identifier for the transaction record.
transaction_referenceReference string for the transaction.
is_feeBoolean value indicating whether the transaction is a fee (true or false).
value_dateDate and time when the transaction value is considered effective (ISO 8601 format).