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Create Identity

The Create Identity Profile operation is the first step in setting up an identity within the system. Depending on your requirements, this operation allows you to create a profile for either a person or an organization.

This page will guide you trough the process of using this operation, see the following sections for more details.

Encrypted Requests

All requests into the stack are performed using the Encrypted Endpoint, where the request and response of the operation are encrypted. See How to Integrate Fondy API to learn how to encrypt your operations and send them through the endpoint.


The request process of this operation consists of the following two steps:

  1. Create the payload
  2. Make the encrypted request

See the sections below for more details on each step.

Step 1: Create the payload

The identity information must be sent to the payload. See the code block below for an example:

"id": "43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"compliance_profile_id": "43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"external_id": "ExampleRefId_43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"type": "PERSON",
"person": {
"id": "43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"external_id": "ExampleRefId_43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"date_of_birth": "1970-12-31T00:00:00.000Z",
"details": {
"id": "43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"title": "PROF",
"surname": "Example-Surname",
"firstname": "ExampleFirstname",
"other_names": "Example-OtherNames",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"married": "YES",
"dates": {
"date_to": "1970-12-31T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_from": "1970-12-31T00:00:00.000Z"
"status": "CURRENT"
"fatca": true
"ubo": [
"id": "43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"ubo_identity_id": "43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"ubo_type": "DIRECTOR",
"ubo_percentage": 50,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"dates": {
"date_to": "1970-12-31T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_from": "1970-12-31T00:00:00.000Z"
"terms_of_service": {
"tos_accepted": true,
"acceptance_date": "2025-02-05T12:00:00.000Z"
"compliance": {
"screened": true,
"risk_rated": true
"audit_dates": {
"created": "2025-02-05T12:00:00.000Z",
"updated": "2025-02-05T12:00:00.000Z"


idUnique identifier for the identity profile.
compliance_profile_idIdentifier for the compliance profile associated with the identity.
external_idAn external reference ID provided by the user.
typeType of identity being created. Can be either PERSON or ORGANISATION. The type of profile determines which sections of the payload you need to populate.
Person Profile
person.idUnique identifier for the person profile.
person.external_idExternal reference ID for the person.
person.date_of_birthDate of birth of the person (in ISO 8601 format).
person.details.idUnique identifier for the person's details.
person.details.titleTitle (e.g., Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc.) of the person.
person.details.surnameSurname of the person.
person.details.firstnameFirst name of the person.
person.details.other_namesOther names (if applicable) of the person.
person.details.genderGender of the person (e.g., MALE, FEMALE).
person.details.marriedMarital status of the person (e.g., YES or NO).
person.details.dates.date_fromStart date for the person's details.
person.details.dates.date_toEnd date for the person's details (if applicable).
person.details.statusStatus of the person's details (e.g., CURRENT).
person.fatcaIndicates whether the person is subject to FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act). (true or false).
person.aliasesList of alias details associated with the person.
person.identity_referencesIdentity reference documents for the person, e.g., passport.
person.nationalityNationality details of the person, including the country and code.
person.residencyResidency details, including country and status.
Organisation Profile
organisation.idUnique identifier for the organization profile.
organisation.external_idExternal reference ID for the organization.
organisation.company_nameName of the organization.
organisation.company_numberCompany registration number, including type (e.g., COMPANY_HOUSE) and country code.
organisation.type_of_organisationType of the organization (e.g., LIMITED_COMPANY).
organisation.fatcaIndicates whether the organization is subject to FATCA (true/false).
Address Details
addresses.full_addressFull address of the person or organization.
addresses.address_line_1First line of the address.
addresses.address_line_2Second line of the address (if applicable).
addresses.address_line_3Third line of the address (if applicable).
addresses.address_line_4Fourth line of the address (if applicable).
addresses.townTown or city of the address.
addresses.stateState or region of the address.
addresses.postcodePostcode of the address. name of the address.
addresses.typeType of address (e.g., REGISTERED_OFFICE).
addresses.statusStatus of the address (e.g., CURRENT).
Contact Information
telephone.number.tel_typeType of telephone number (e.g., LOCAL).
telephone.number.tel_numberThe actual telephone number. name for the telephone number.
telephone.validIndicates whether the phone number is valid (true/false).
telephone.primaryWhether this is the primary telephone number (true/false).
email.emailEmail address of the person or organization.
email.validIndicates whether the email address is valid (true/false).
email.primaryWhether this is the primary email address (true/false).
email.details_confirmed_byWho confirmed the email details (e.g., CLIENT).
Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO)
ubo.ubo_identity_idUnique ID for the UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner).
ubo.ubo_typeType of UBO (e.g., DIRECTOR).
Terms and Compliance
terms_of_service.tos_acceptedWhether the terms of service were accepted (true or false).
compliance.screenedWhether the identity has been screened (e.g., CLIENT).
compliance.risk_ratedWhether the identity has been risk-rated (e.g., CLIENT).
Audit Dates
audit_dates.createdThe date and time when the identity profile was created.
audit_dates.updatedThe date and time when the identity profile was last updated.

Once you create the payload it has to be encrypted, see the following section for more details.

Step 2: Make the encrypted request

To create a wallet under a split account, follow the steps below:

  1. Follow the steps in How to Integrate Fondy API to encrypt your request into the stack.
  2. Send the encrypted operation using Encrypted Endpoint. See an example in the code block below:
    "encrypted_payload": ENCRYPTED(identityObject),
    "encrypted_user": ENCRYPTED(<username>),
    "encrypted_url": ENCRYPTED("/onboarding/identity"),
    "method": "POST"

In the request ENCRYPTED(identityObject) is the payload previously created, which is now encrypted.


A successful request will return the encrypted response, as in the code block below:

"encrypted_payload": ENCRYPTED(identityObject)
"encrypted_url": null
"method": null
"nonce": null

This response has to be decrypted with the process explained in How to Integrate Fondy API. Once it is decrypted, the unencrypted payload is as follows:

"addresses": {
"country": {
"code": "GB",
"country": "England"
"town": "Example Large Town",
"postcode": "EX1 1EG",
"external_id": "ExampleRefId_43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"dates": {
"date_to": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_from": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z"
"full_address": "123 Example House, example road, Example town, UK",
"address_line_1": "123 Example House",
"address_line_3": "Example Small Hamlet",
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"address_line_2": "Example Road",
"state": "Middlesex",
"address_line_4": "Example Village",
"status": "CURRENT"
"ubo": {
"dates": {
"date_to": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_from": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z"
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"audit_dates": {
"created": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z",
"updated": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z"
"ubo_identity_id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"ubo_type": "DIRECTOR"
"organisation": {
"company_number": [
"value": {},
"country_of_number": {
"code": "GB",
"country": "England"
"dates": {
"date_to": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_from": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z"
"type_of_organisation": "LIMITED_COMPANY",
"company_name": {},
"fatca": true,
"external_id": "ExampleRefId_43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a"
"external_id": "ExampleRefId_43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"telephone": {
"number_type": "REGISTERED_OFFICE",
"routing_type": "MOBILE",
"valid": true,
"primary": true,
"country": {
"code": "GB",
"country": "England"
"details_confirmed_by": "CLIENT",
"number": [
"tel_number": "07117 754764",
"tel_type": "LOCAL"
"confirmed": true,
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a"
"type": "PERSON",
"audit_dates": {
"created": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z",
"updated": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z"
"compliance_profile_id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"person": {
"nationality": [
"country": {
"code": "GB",
"country": "England"
"dates": {
"date_to": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_from": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z"
"status": "CURRENT"
"date_of_birth": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"details": {
"gender": "FEMALE",
"firstname": "ExampleFirstname",
"surname": "Example-Surname",
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"other_names": "Example-OtherNames",
"title": "PROF",
"married": "YES",
"status": "CURRENT"
"residency": [
"country": {
"code": "GB",
"country": "England"
"dates": {
"date_to": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_from": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z"
"status": "CURRENT"
"external_id": "ExampleRefId_43971e26-61b1-420b-9add-c510d44a354f",
"aliases": {
"gender": "FEMALE",
"firstname": "ExampleFirstname",
"surname": "Example-Surname",
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"other_names": "Example-OtherNames",
"title": "PROF",
"married": "YES",
"status": "CURRENT"
"identity_references": [
"country": {
"code": "GB",
"country": "England"
"dates": {
"date_to": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_from": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z"
"reference_of_document": {},
"document_type": {},
"status": "CURRENT"
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"audit_dates": {
"created": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z",
"updated": "2020-01-22T13:15:30.000Z"
"fatca": true
"compliance": {
"risk_rated": "CLIENT",
"screened": "CLIENT"
"terms_of_service": {
"tos_accepted_date": "1990-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"tos_accepted": true
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a",
"email": {
"email": "string",
"confirmed": true,
"primary": true,
"details_confirmed_by": "CLIENT",
"valid": true,
"email_type": "REGISTERED_OFFICE",
"id": "f8605015-90ac-4450-bb99-cbb1591bce7a"

See the descriptions of the parameters exclusive to the response in the table below:

addresses.idUnique identifier for the address.
addresses.external_idExternal reference ID for the address.
addresses.dates.date_fromStart date for the address entry.
addresses.dates.date_toEnd date for the address entry (if applicable).
addresses.statusStatus of the address.
ubo.idUnique identifier for the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO).
ubo.audit_dates.createdTimestamp when the UBO entry was created.
ubo.audit_dates.updatedTimestamp when the UBO entry was last updated.
organisation.company_number.valueCompany registration number (if applicable).
organisation.company_number.typeType of company registration number.
organisation.company_number.country_of_numberCountry of the organization's company registration number.
telephone.idUnique identifier for the telephone entry.
telephone.confirmedIndicates if the telephone number is confirmed (true/false).
telephone.details_confirmed_byThe entity that confirmed the telephone details.
telephone.idUnique identifier for the telephone entry.
telephone.routing_typeThe routing type of the telephone number. name of the telephone number.
person.aliases.idUnique identifier for the alias.
person.aliases.titleTitle of the alias.
person.aliases.surnameSurname of the alias.
person.aliases.firstnameFirst name of the alias.
person.aliases.other_namesOther names of the alias (if applicable).
person.aliases.statusStatus of the alias.
person.identity_references.idUnique identifier for the identity reference document.
person.identity_references.reference_of_documentReference number of the identity document (e.g., passport number).
person.identity_references.document_typeType of the identity reference document (e.g., passport, driver's license).
person.identity_references.statusStatus of the identity reference.
compliance_profile_idUnique identifier for the compliance profile associated with the identity.
terms_of_service.tos_accepted_dateThe date when the terms of service were accepted.
audit_dates.createdTimestamp when the identity profile was created.
audit_dates.updatedTimestamp when the identity profile was last updated.