Withdrawal Operation (P2P Card Credit)
The withdrawal operation allows you to transfer funds back to the customer’s card after an initial purchase. It is essential for refunding or crediting customers for returned products or services. This operation is also known as P2P Card Credit Operation.
The withdrawal feature is not available immediately after you create a Fondy account. You must contact Fondy support via email ([email protected]) to enable this feature.
After enabling the withdrawal feature, you can create withdrawals for payments from any Fondy Gateway solution.
To initiate a withdrawal operation, the following conditions must be met:
- The initial payment must have been created with the
. This is done by sendingrequired_rectoken = Y
when creating the payment. The use of therectoken
ensures that a reference token is generated for the transaction, enabling you to link the withdrawal to the original purchase.
How to Perform a Withdrawal
To execute a withdrawal, follow these steps:
- Get the
from the payment you are trying to withdraw funds from. - Create the withdrawal using the P2P Card Credit endpoint. You must inform the
at this step. Use therectoken
from Step 1. In addition, when generating the signature, use your credit private key. You can find this private key in the Merchant Settings section of the Fondy Dashboard. The following code block presents an example of a request.
curl --request POST \
--url https://pay.fondy.eu/api/p2pcredit \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--data '
"request": {
"order_id": "test_1234312142",
"merchant_id": "1549901",
"order_desc": "Test order",
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "GBP",
"receiver_rectoken": "I0wh7fBmFIdcY6K3Px2QugVrVR65sPafeZkPmRanOiRnXG",
"server_callback_url": "https://myserver.com/callback",
"signature": "51e59ffd263d071da8e1a1fc10b981f459dbe6f1"
After creating the withdrawal, Fondy will transfer the funds to your client.
Example Requests and Responses
Below, you find examples of requests and responses for each supported protocol.
JSON Example
"order_desc":"Test payment",
"response": {
"rrn": "",
"masked_card": "",
"sender_cell_phone": "",
"response_signature_string": "**********1000USD1000530159USDTest1test7926651365approved13.01.2014 15:10:472100Visa/MC",
"response_status": "",
"currency": "USD",
"fee": "",
"reversal_amount": "",
"settlement_amount": "",
"actual_amount": "1000",
"order_status": "approved",
"response_description": "",
"order_time": "13.01.2014 15:10:47",
"actual_currency": "USD",
"order_id": "test7926651365",
"tran_type": "",
"eci": "",
"settlement_date": "",
"payment_system": "Visa/MC",
"approval_code": "530159",
"merchant_id": "1",
"settlement_currency": "",
"payment_id": "2100",
"card_bin": "",
"response_code": "",
"card_type": "",
"amount": "1000",
"sender_email": "",
"signature": "3a587a6908e1b4119729e6b00f9f055a927728fd",
"product_id": ""
"error_message":"Parameter `amount` is mandatory",
XML Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<order_desc>Test payment</order_desc>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sender_cell_phone />
<response_status />
<fee />
<reversal_amount />
<settlement_amount />
<response_description />
<order_time>13.01.2014 15:10:47</order_time>
<tran_type />
<eci />
<settlement_date />
<settlement_currency />
<response_code />
<sender_email />
<product_id />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error_message>Parameter `amount` is mandatory</error_message>
HTML form example
order_id=test3600040034&order_desc=Test payment¤cy=USD&receiver_card_number=4444555566661111
Updated 24 days ago