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The Fondy JavaScript SDK lets you securely integrate a customizable card payment form into your website or web application. With just a few lines of code, you can seamlessly process payments through Fondy's payment gateway, ensuring a smooth and secure checkout experience for your users. In addition, the SDK supports multiple payment systems and integrates easily with your existing HTML structure.

One key advantage of using the Fondy JavaScript SDK is that it simplifies compliance with PCI DSS. Since the SDK securely captures and transmits payment details directly to Fondy, your application never handles sensitive card information, eliminating your need for PCI compliance.


Before you can use the JavaScript SDK, ensure the following prerequisites are met:


You can integrate the JavaScript SDK into your project using any of the following methods:

Using Npm

If you're using Npm, you can install the ipsp-js-sdk dependency by running the following command:

npm install ipsp-js-sdk --save

Alternatively, manually add it to your package.json:

"dependencies": {
"ipsp-js-sdk": "^1.0"

Using Bower

If you prefer using Bower, run the following command:

bower install ipsp-js-sdk

Or manually add the dependency in your bower.json:

"dependencies": {
"ipsp-js-sdk": "^1.0"

Manual Installation

If you do not use NodeJS or Bower, you can download the SDK manually from GitHub:

git clone

How to Use the SDK

After adding the SDK to your project, you can add a card form to your system to receive payments. The following steps describe how to do it.

1. Create the payment form

First, you have to create your own payment form. Using the JavaScript SDK, you can build a unique design and custom functionality. You can style the form to match your website's design by adjusting the HTML and CSS. The following code snippet presents an example of a basic design.

<form class="checkout-form">
<input type="hidden" name="payment_system" value="card">
<input type="hidden" name="merchant_id" value="1396424">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="100">
<input type="hidden" name="currency" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="[email protected]" />
<input type="hidden" name="response_url" value="" />
<div class="container">
<div class="error-wrapper"></div>
<div class="input-wrapper">
<div class="input-label w-1">
Card Number:
<div class="input-field w-1">
<input type="tel" name="card_number" class="input" onkeydown="nextInput(this,event)" maxlength="16" placeholder="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" />
<div class="input-wrapper">
<div class="input-label w-3-2">
Expiry Date:
<div class="input-label w-3">
<div class="input-field w-3">
<input type="tel" name="expiry_month" onkeydown="nextInput(this,event)" class="input" maxlength="2" placeholder="MM" />
<div class="input-field w-3">
<input type="tel" name="expiry_year" onkeydown="nextInput(this,event)" class="input" maxlength="2" placeholder="YY" />
<div class="input-field w-3">
<input type="tel" name="cvv2" onkeydown="nextInput(this,event)" class="input" maxlength="3" placeholder="XXX" />
<div class="input-wrapper stack-1">
<div class="input-field w-1">
<button type="submit" onkeydown="nextInput(this,event)" class="button">Pay</button>

The following image displays the resulting payment form.

2. Get the token

Before mounting the payment form, you must get a token from Fondy. The SDK uses this token to identify your transaction when it sends the payment information to Fondy. To get this token, use the Accept Purchase (Payment Token), informing the merchant and purchase information. The following code block presents request and response examples to get the token and the table describes the parameters used in the request.

curl -i -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"request": {
"server_callback_url": "http://myshop/callback/",
"order_id": "TestOrder2",
"currency": "GEL",
"merchant_id": 1549901,
"order_desc": "Test payment",
"amount": 1000,
"signature": "91ea7da493a8367410fe3d7f877fb5e0ed666490"
}' \
server_callback_urlThe URL to which the Fondy will send a callback upon success or failure of the transaction.
order_idA unique identifier for the order being processed.
currencyThe currency code for the transaction. Check the Currencies page to see a complete list of options.
merchant_idThe unique merchant identifier. You can find this information by accessing the Fondy dashboard.
order_descA description of the order.
amountThe total amount for the transaction.
signatureThe Signature used to validate the request.

Save the token parameter to use when starting the payment form.

3. Execute the payment

After the client provides the payment method information and clicks pay, you must call the $checkout('Api') function to execute the payment. When you call the $checkout('Api') function, you must inform the payment parameters. The following code block presents an example of the necessary information:

"payment_system":"card", // Supported payment systems: card, p24",
"expiry_date":"MM/YY", // Supported formats: MM/YY, MM/YYYY, MMYY, MMYYYY
"cvv2":"XXX" // 3-digits number

With the payment information in hand, you can execute the $checkout('Api') function. The following code block presents an example of how to do it:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<script src=""></script>
} ).done(function(model){

The SDK will execute the payment and send the final result to the server_callback_url informed in step 2.

4. Handle the payment result

You can use JavaScript callbacks to handle payment results when executing the payment. Using this option, you can obtain the transaction result directly from the SDK without needing to check the callback Fondy sends to the server_callback_url.

To use this approach, you must define the .on('success') and .on('error') functions when calling $checkout('Api'), as presented in the following code block.

$checkout('Api').on('success', function(model) {
console.log('Payment successful', JSON.stringify(model.attr('order').order_data));
}).on('error', function(model) {
console.log('Payment failed', model.attr('error.message'));

In the event of a success, the order data will contain details such as the transaction ID and approval code. If the payment fails, the error.message will provide the reason for the decline.

5. Process the final response

If you informed the server_callback_url in Step 2, when creating the token, you will receive the final payment response as a callback when Fondy finishes processing the payment. The following code block presents an example of a final response:

"response": {
"rrn": "111111111111",
"masked_card": "444455XXXXXX1111",
"sender_cell_phone": "",
"sender_account": "",
"currency": "GEL",
"fee": "",
"reversal_amount": "0",
"settlement_amount": "0",
"actual_amount": "200",
"response_description": "",
"sender_email": "[email protected]",
"order_status": "approved",
"response_status": "success",
"order_time": "13.07.2024 01:23:59",
"actual_currency": "GEL",
"order_id": "test33694502191",
"tran_type": "purchase",
"eci": "5",
"settlement_date": "",
"payment_system": "card",
"approval_code": "123456",
"merchant_id": 1549901,
"settlement_currency": "",
"payment_id": 805243692,
"card_bin": 444455,
"response_code": "",
"card_type": "VISA",
"amount": "200",
"signature": "b7884b5c4906956fbac4d20390388d913a78c0b0",
"product_id": "",
"merchant_data": "Test merchant data",
"rectoken": "",
"rectoken_lifetime": "",
"verification_status": "",
"parent_order_id": "",
"fee_oplata": "0",
"additional_info": "{\"capture_status\": null, \"capture_amount\": null, \"reservation_data\": \"{}\", \"transaction_id\": 1994930931, \"bank_response_code\": null, \"bank_response_description\": null, \"client_fee\": 0.0, \"settlement_fee\": 0.0, \"bank_name\": null, \"bank_country\": null, \"card_type\": \"VISA\", \"card_product\": \"empty_visa\", \"card_category\": null, \"timeend\": \"13.07.2024 01:24:08\", \"ipaddress_v4\": \"\", \"payment_method\": \"card\", \"version_3ds\": 1, \"is_test\": true}",
"response_signature_string": "**********|200|GEL|{\"capture_status\": null, \"capture_amount\": null, \"reservation_data\": \"{}\", \"transaction_id\": 1994930931, \"bank_response_code\": null, \"bank_response_description\": null, \"client_fee\": 0.0, \"settlement_fee\": 0.0, \"bank_name\": null, \"bank_country\": null, \"card_type\": \"VISA\", \"card_product\": \"empty_visa\", \"card_category\": null, \"timeend\": \"13.07.2024 01:24:08\", \"ipaddress_v4\": \"\", \"payment_method\": \"card\", \"version_3ds\": 1, \"is_**********\": true}|200|123456|444455|VISA|GEL|5|0|444455XXXXXX1111|Test merchant data|1549901|**********33694502191|approved|13.07.2024 01:23:59|805243692|card|success|0|111111111111|**********@**********.com|0|purchase"

Complementary Information

For more detailed information and advanced features, please refer to the GitHub repository.

You can also access the Fondy interactive example, which you can use to change the form or the CSS style.